December 1, 2020

Employee Spotlight – Stephen Mohr

Meet Stephen Mohr, Executive Vice President

Employee Spotlight – Stephen Mohr

How has your career grown since starting at Marcum Search?
Since I started at Marcum Search, I have had the opportunity to diversify my recruiting experience and recruit in multiple disciplines and new markets. I have also had the opportunity to move into a management role.

In my career I am most proud of...
Moving to a new market and starting my own firm from the ground up.

My favorite quote is...
Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

Three words to describe myself...
Compassionate, generous, and adventurous.

My perfect day is...
Sailing to a remote area, snorkeling, catching lobster, watching the sunset on my boat, and finishing with a lobster dinner and a good bottle of wine.

Advice for my 16 year old self...
So many life lessons, I do not know where to start. Always be true to yourself, no matter what. Life is too short to have regrets. If you fail at something, learn from it and do it differently next time. Without failures, you will never realize the greatness of success. Find something you are passionate about and do it well. Always follow your dreams. Most importantly, be kind. Unfortunately, you will unintentionally hurt people in life, so always be kind.

The person who had the biggest impact on my life is...
My husband David. He is the most thoughtful, kind person I know. He is also one of the smartest people I have ever met. He has a thirst for knowledge like no one else. He is a self-taught man and without a formal education has worked his way up to a C-level position.

Number 1 on my bucket list is...
To one day sail around Europe.

What is your best tip on how to stay connected while still practicing social distancing during COVID-19?
Make use of technology. Schedule virtual happy hours with family and friends. Try in keep in touch with those you know are introverts. They may need you more than you know.