Employee Spotlight – Rachel Pellegrine
Meet Rachel Pellegrine - Talent Acquisition Manager

Tell us a little about yourself….
I grew up in a small town, south of Boston with my parents and 3 sisters. I went to Assumption College in Worcester, MA where I swam for 4 years, graduating in 2014 with an Accounting degree. I got married and turned 30 this year and currently live in Rhode Island with my husband. We enjoy traveling and spending time with friends and our many nieces and nephews!
How has your career grown since starting at Marcum Search?
I began my career at Marcum in 2014, right out of college. I started with the audit team in Boston, working 6 busy seasons. I loved Marcum and my co-workers but knew audit wasn’t the right fit for me long term. In 2019 I interviewed with Marcum Search and knew right away it was the right decision.
In my career I am most proud of…
I am most proud when I get the opportunity to call a candidate with a job offer. When it is the right fit for the candidate and they are excited about the opportunity is the best feeling!
My favorite quote is…
When you love what you have, you have everything you need.
Three words to describe myself…
Compassionate, hardworking and fun!
My perfect day is…
My perfect day is sunny and 75 at the beach in Cape Cod
Advice for my 16 year old self…
Don’t take yourself too seriously and always try and find the humor in life.
The person who had the biggest impact on my life is…
My parents! I could never choose just one. They raised my sisters and me to be caring, hardworking and independent. My father owned his own business for 30 years and my Mom a nurse at Mass General Hospital for 35 years. They have worked so hard and always put their family first.
Number one on my bucket list
I would love to go on safari in South Africa.
A funny or memorable experience from your career or personal life?
A funny and memorable experience at Marcum has to be the many post busy season parties at Mohegan Sun, watching accountants sing karaoke.